Aerial animals
Facts about butterflies
Size: The size of the butterflies can vary from around 3 mm to over 30 cm Speed: The top speed of butterflies ...
Facts about owls
Cannibals: Owls eat other owl species – especially those smaller than themselves Big eyes: Owls’ eyes are extremely large and almost touch ...
Facts about bees (honeybees)
Species: There are around 20,000 known bee species in the world. The honeybee (Apis) is one species with 44 subspecies Human ...
Fun facts about animals
Vidste du, at en visse rottearter kan overleve uden vand i længere tid end kameler? Eller at nogle dyrearter begår selvmord? Find flere sjove fakta om dyr i denne artikel!
Facts about mosquitoes and mosquito bites
1. Killers: Mosquitoes kill more people than any other animal on earth. This is because some mosquitoes carry diseases such as ...
Facts about predators
1. Carnivores: Predators are animals that live by eating other animals. Predators are carnivores, meaning their diet consists primarily of meat ...