Terrestrial animals
Facts about guinea pigs
Teeth: Guinea pigs’ teeth grow throughout their lives. They therefore need unlimited access to food so they can constantly grind down ...
Fun facts about animals
Vidste du, at en visse rottearter kan overleve uden vand i længere tid end kameler? Eller at nogle dyrearter begår selvmord? Find flere sjove fakta om dyr i denne artikel!
Facts about mice
Smallest mouse: The smallest mouse species is the African pygmy mouse (Mus minutoides), with adults reaching 30-80 mm in length Tails: Most ...
Facts about cats
Spawn: In just seven years, a pair of cats and their offspring can theoretically produce 420,000 kittens Sleep: Cats spend 70% of ...
Facts about elephants
Elephant calves: When an elephant calf is born, it has almost no strength in its trunk. Therefore, it sucks with its ...
Facts about pigs (hogs)
1. Names: A pig, domestic pig or piglet are all members of the pig family (Suidae), descended from the wild boar ...
Facts about rabbits
1. Senses: Rabbits have an excellent sense of smell, hearing and vision. Because their eyes are on the side of their ...
Facts about pandas (panda bears)
1. Names: The panda is also known as the Bamboo Bear, Giant Panda or the Great Panda 2. Winter hibernation: Pandas ...
Facts about bears
1. Food: Bears will eat almost anything; bears have been observed eating rubber boots, car seats and machine oil 2. Black ...
Facts about polar bears
Black skin: A polar bear’s fur can vary in color from almost chalky white to ivory – but its skin is ...