The universe

Facts about the the sizes of the planets

Facts about the sizes of the planets

The table below shows relevant data in relation to the sizes of the planets. Note, however, that planetary sizes can ...

Facts about the origin of the planet's names

Facts about planet names

All the planets in our solar system bear names from Roman mythology, which is known to be closely related to ...

Facts about our solar system

The order and position of the planets in the solar system

In this article you can read about the following: The order of the planets in the solar system The position ...

Facts about our solar system

The formation and structure of our solar system

The formation of the solar system The most recognized theory behind the formation of the solar system among astronomers is ...

Facts about our moon

Facts about the moon

Tidal: The moon accounts for about 2/3 of all Earth’s tidal action – the sun accounts for the rest Temperature: Temperatures can ...

Facts about the Universe

Facts about the universe

Stardust: Almost all elements on Earth – including humans – are made of stardust The human brain: The human brain is the ...

True facts about the sun

Facts about the sun

Age: The sun is approximately 4.57 billion years old and is the same age as our solar system Mass: The Sun contains ...

Facts about the planet Earth

Facts about Earth

Bowling ball: The Earth has a smoother surface than a bowling ball (if you scale it down to the same size) ...

Facts about Pluto's moons

Facts about Pluto’s moons

Pluto has the following 5 moons: Charon Styx Nix Kerberos Hydra (ordered by distance from Pluto with Charon as the closest ...

Facts about dwarf planets

Facts about dwarf planets

Pluto: Pluto is the largest and most well-known dwarf planet in our solar system. The first 5 recognized dwarf planets are ...

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