Facts about the sizes of the planets

Facts about the the sizes of the planets

The table below shows relevant data in relation to the sizes of the planets. Note, however, that planetary sizes can be measured in different ways; i.e. by mass or volume (circumference/diameter).

Planet Mass Mass in relation to Earth Density Circumference at the equator Diameter at the equator
Mercury 3,302×1023 kg 0,055 5,43 15,329 km 4,879 km
Venus 4,8685×1024 kg 0,815 5,24 38,025 km 12.104 km
Earth 5,97219×1024 kg 1 5,52 40,075.16 km 12,756.1 km
March 6,4185×1023 kg 0,107 3,94 24,343 km 6,794 km
Jupiter 1,899×1027 kg 317,83 1,33 439,263.8 km 139.822 km
Saturn 5,6846×1026 kg 95,152 0,70 378.675 km 120.536 km
Uranus 8,6832×1025 kg 14,536 1,30 159,354.1 km 51.118 km
Neptune 1,0243×1026 kg 17,15 17,204 154,705 km 49.244 km


Facts about the the sizes of the planets

Here is a comparison of the sizes of the planets


The size of the sun and moon

Below is relevant data for the sizes of the sun and moon:

Object Mass Mass in relation to Earth Density Circumference at the equator Diameter at the equator
The Sun 1,9891×1030 kg 333.060 1,41 700,000 km 1,392,000 km
The Moon 7,34767309 × 1022 kg 0,0123 3,346 10,921 km 3,476.28 km



The planets and the sun sorted by size

Below is a list of the planets and the sun sorted by size:


Measured by mass

  1. The Sun
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Neptune
  5. Uranus
  6. Earth
  7. Venus
  8. March
  9. Mercury


Measured by volume

  1. The Sun
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Uranus
  5. Neptune
  6. Earth
  7. Venus
  8. March
  9. Mercury