Facts About Left Handed Females

20 interesting and funny facts about left handed females

Left-handedness is a fascinating trait that has intrigued scientists and researchers for decades. While only about 10 percent of the global population is left-handed, there are intriguing differences when we look at the genders. In this article, we focus exclusively on left-handed females and present a list of facts that highlight various aspects of this unique group.


1. Left-Handed Females Are a Minority

Left-handedness is a rarity among females, making up only a fraction of the female population. In fact, statistics show that left-handed women are significantly less common than left-handed men.


2. Possible Cognitive Advantages

Several studies suggest that left-handed individuals, including females, may possess certain cognitive advantages. Some research has shown that left-handed people are more likely to have an IQ of 131 or higher, and notable left-handed geniuses like Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein support this idea.


3. Living in a Right-Handed World

Left-handed females often face challenges in a predominantly right-handed world. Everyday tools and objects, from scissors to pens, are designed with right-handers in mind, making daily tasks more cumbersome for them. Even writing on paper or chalkboards can lead to smudging issues for left-handed writers.


4. Sports and Typing

Left-handedness can provide an advantage in certain sports like boxing, tennis, and baseball, as opponents may be less accustomed to facing left-handed competitors. Additionally, left-handed individuals may excel in typing, as the majority of words on a QWERTY keyboard are typed with the left hand.


5. Specialized Tools Exist

Fortunately, companies have recognized the needs of left-handed individuals and now offer specialized tools such as scissors, pens, and measuring tape designed to accommodate left-handed users.


6. Left-Handed Cats

Interestingly, left-handedness isn’t unique to humans. Nearly half of all cats exhibit left-handed tendencies, making it easier for left-handed owners to find feline companions who understand their unique perspective.


7. Left-Handers’ Day

Every August 13th, left-handers around the world celebrate International Left-Handers’ Day. This day promotes awareness of the challenges faced by left-handed individuals and honors their unique qualities.


8. Right-Handed Traits

Even if you identify as right-handed, you may exhibit some left-handed traits. For example, which eye do you close to see better, or do you use your left hand for certain tasks like cutting food while holding a fork? These traits can vary among individuals and may surprise you.


9. Left-Handed Females Make Up About 8.6%

Research indicates that left-handed females make up around 8.6% of the female population in the UK, demonstrating their relative scarcity compared to their right-handed counterparts.


10. Increased Likelihood of Allergies and Auto-Immune Disorders

Studies have shown that left-handed individuals, including females, are more likely to suffer from allergies and auto-immune disorders, such as ulcerative colitis or rheumatoid arthritis.


11. Prone to Migraines

Left-handed females are approximately twice as likely to experience migraines compared to their right-handed counterparts, according to scientific research.


12. Sleep Deprivation and Limb Movement

Left-handed individuals may experience more sleep disturbances due to conditions like Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD). Research has shown that left-handers are more likely to exhibit limb movements during sleep compared to right-handers.


13. Right-Brain Dominance

Left-handed females tend to have a higher degree of right-brain dominance, which is associated with creativity and artistic abilities. However, recent studies suggest that the relationship between brain hemisphere dominance and handedness is more complex than previously thought.


14. Left-Handedness and Alcohol

While some early studies suggested a link between left-handedness and alcoholism, more recent research indicates that left-handed individuals are not necessarily more prone to excessive drinking but may be more likely to drink at moderate levels.


15. Left-Handed Presidents

In the United States, left-handed females are part of an exclusive club, as five of the nine most recent U.S. presidents were left-handed: Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford (who switched between left and right-handedness).


16. Left-Handed Typists

Left-handed females may have an advantage when it comes to typing. The layout of the QWERTY keyboard provides approximately 3,000 English words that can be typed solely with the left hand, potentially making left-handed typists faster.


17. Southpaws in Sports

Left-handed females excel in certain sports, including tennis, where nearly 40% of top players are left-handed. The advantage lies in facing opponents who are more accustomed to playing against right-handed competitors.


18. International Left-Handers’ Day

August 13th is a special day for left-handed individuals, including females, to celebrate their uniqueness and raise awareness about the challenges they encounter in a predominantly right-handed world.


19. Artistic Creativity

Studies suggest that left-handed females are more likely to pursue creative careers, such as painting and music, emphasizing their creative inclinations.


20. Left-Handed Females and Language

Left-handed females may be more prone to language-related issues during childhood, according to research. Conditions like dyslexia and scholastic challenges may be more prevalent among left-handed children.


A final word: left-handed females constitute a unique and intriguing subgroup within the broader left-handed population. While they face challenges in a predominantly right-handed world, they also possess distinctive qualities and potential advantages that set them apart. Further research may continue to unveil the intricacies of left-handedness in females, shedding light on this fascinating aspect of human diversity.