Facts about Russia

Facts about Russia

1. Handshake: Russians never shake hands in a doorway because they believe it will lead to disagreements or arguments

2. 12 days late: In 1908, the Olympic team from Russia arrived 12 days late to the Olympics because they were not yet using the Gregorian calendar (they were using the Julian calendar)

3. Russia vs. Pluto: Russia is larger than the planet Pluto. Russia’s area is 17,075,200 km2, while Pluto’s is 16,647,940 km2. The area corresponds to approximately 3.3% of the Earth’s total surface area. Russia is also the world’s largest country

4. Gender ratio: In Russia, there are approximately 20 million more women than men, which is partly due to the fact that Russia has one of the highest sex ratio disparities in the world (0.86 men per woman). Other countries with significantly more women than men include: Northern Mariana Islands (0.76), Estonia (0.84), Latvia (0.86), Ukraine (0.86), Djibouti (0.86), Lithuania (0.89) and Armenia (0.89)

5. LGBT: Since 2013, it has been illegal to tell children in Russia that gay people exist. In addition, LGBT people in general face a number of social, political and cultural challenges in Russia

Fact: There are approximately 20 million more women than men in Russia
Attribution: 123fakta.com

Fact: In Russia, there are around 20 million more women than men. The sex ratio is 0.86 – i.e. there are 0.86 men for every woman


6. Feodor Vassilyev: A Russian farmer named Feodor Vassilyev fathered 69 children with his first wife: 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets between 1725 and 1765. He also had 18 children with his second wife: 6 sets of twins and 2 sets of triplets, making him the father of 87 children in total. Of these, 82 are said to have survived infancy. Whether the record is true or not is difficult to find out today, but it is included in the Guinness Book of Records

7. The world’s oldest plant: In 2012, a group of Russian scientists managed to grow seeds from a 32,000-year-old plant. As a result, the plant, Narrow-leaved Limwort (lat. Silene stenophylla), is now the world’s oldest regenerated plant. The seeds were found in a squirrel hole in Siberia and were preserved thanks to the squirrel hole’s padding with hay and fur and permafrost

8. Alcohol: Over 500,000 people die from alcohol-related causes every year in Russia

9. Domesticated foxes: Since 1959, Russian scientists have been experimenting with a special breeding program where they have managed to tame silver foxes in much the same way as dogs

10. 82 km from North America: Russia and North America are only 82 km apart at their closest points. Specifically, the Bering Strait; where Asia’s easternmost point (Cape Dezhnev, Russia) is 82 km from North America’s westernmost point (Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska)

Fact: The climate and weather in Russia varies greatly depending on where you are
Attribution: petukhov.anton + Daniel Beilinson – Flickr.com

Fact: The climate and weather vary greatly depending on where you are in Russia. This is of course due to the sheer size of the country, but also its geography

Geographic facts

  • Location: Northern Asia. Separated from Europe by the Ural Mountains. Coastline towards the Arctic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean
  • Country borders: Azerbaijan (284 km), Belarus (959 km), China - Southeast (3,605 km), China - South (40 km), Estonia (290 km), Finland (1,313 km), Georgia (723 km), Kazakhstan (6,846 km), North Korea (17.5 km), Latvia (292 km), Lithuania (227 km), Mongolia (3,441 km), Norway (196 km), Poland (432 km), Ukraine (1,576 km)
  • Coastline: 37.653 km
  • Climate: The climate in Russia varies depending on your location. The sheer size of the country and the many desolate regions mean that continental climate is the dominant climate type. The mountains in the south block the influx of warm air masses from the Indian Ocean, while the plains in the west and north open up to influences from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Winters vary from cool along the Black Sea coast to freezing in Siberia. Summers vary from warm on the steppes to cold along the Arctic Ocean coast
  • Landscape: Wide plains with low hills west of the Ural Mountains. Huge coniferous forests and tundra in Siberia. Highlands and mountains along the southern border regions
  • Lowest point: -28 m (Caspian Sea)
  • Highest point: 5,633 m (Gora El'brus - defined by some as the highest point in Europe)
  • Natural resources: Oil, natural gas, coal, minerals, rare earth elements and timber. Natural resources are extremely diverse and abundant, but are difficult to access due to climate, terrain and distances
  • Largest city: Moskva
  • Capital city: Moskva
  • Total area (square kilometers): 17.098.250,00 (2021)
  • Land areas (km2): 16.224.183,47 (2015)
  • Urban areas (km2): 52.886,95 (2015)
  • Agricultural land (km2): 2.154.940,00 (2021)
  • Agricultural area (% of total area): 13,16 (2021)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 49,78 (2021)
  • Plant species (higher), endangered: 56,00 (2018)
  • CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita): 11,14 (2020)

Demographic facts


  • Population density (people per km2 total area): 8,84 (2021)
  • Population of largest city: 12.680.389,00 (2023)
  • Population growth (annual %): -0,29 (2023)
  • Population, total: 143.826.130,00 (2023)
  • Population growth in urban areas (annual %): -0,01 (2023)
  • Population in urban areas (% of total population): 93,39 (2022)
  • Population in rural areas (% of total population): 24,67 (2023)
  • Population growth in rural areas (annual %): -1,11 (2023)
  • Etniske grupper: 77.7% Russian, 3.7% Tatar, 1.4% Ukrainian, 1.1% Bashkir, 1% Chuvash, 1% Chechen, 10.2% other, 3.9% unspecified
  • Sprog: 96.3% Russian, 5.3% Dolgan, 3% Tatar, 1.5% German, 1% Chechen, 10.3% other
  • Religioner: 15-20% Russian Orthodox, 10-15% Muslim, 2% other Christians
  • Net immigration: -136.414,00 (2023)

Birth and death rates

  • Fertility rate, total (births per woman): 1,42 (2022)
  • Birth rate, gross (per 1,000 inhabitants): 8,90 (2022)
  • Teenage mothers (% of women aged 15-19 who have had children or are pregnant): 10,53 (2020)
  • Death rate, gross (per 1,000 people): 12,90 (2022)
  • Life expectancy at birth, women (years): 77,77 (2022)
  • Life expectancy at birth, men (years): 67,57 (2022)
  • Life expectancy at birth, all (years): 72,55 (2022)
  • Mortality caused by traffic accidents (per 100,000 inhabitants): 12,00 (2019)
  • Mortality, women (per 1,000 adult women): 120,34 (2014)
  • Mortality, male (per 1,000 adult males): 321,53 (2014)
  • Suicide rate, women (per 100,000 women): 9,10 (2019)
  • Mortality, infant (per 1,000 live births): 3,80 (2022)

Work, income and education

  • Wage earners, total (% of total labor force): n/a
  • Income share of the highest 10%: 26,60 (2021)
  • Income share of the lowest 10%: 2,70 (2021)
  • Unemployment, total (% of total labor force): 3,08 (2023)
  • Labor force, total: 72.407.755,00 (2023)
  • Workforce with basic education (% of the workforce): 23,85 (2023)
  • Labor force with medium education (% of labor force): 62,01 (2023)
  • Number of poor cf. national poverty limits (% of the population): 11,00 (2021)
  • Proportion of the population with moderate or severe food insecurity (%): 5,00 (2021)
  • School enrolments, primary school (gross %): 101,95 (2022)
  • Youth unemployment, all young people (% of total labor force aged 15 - 24): 75,33 (2023)
  • Young people not in education, employment or training, total (% of all young people): 8,70 (2023)
  • Literacy/literacy, total adults (% of population over 15): 99,93 (2021)


  • Household (and NPIS) consumption expenditure (US$): 2.633.034.402.631,17 (2021)
  • Electricity consumption (kWh per inhabitant): 6.583,54 (2014)
  • Inhabitants using the Internet (% of the population): 92,25 (2023)
  • Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people): 168,98 (2021)
  • Number of smokers, total (over 15 years): 26,80 (2020)
  • Alcohol consumption per capita (litres of pure alcohol, expected estimates, +15 years): 11,20 (2023)

Business and tourism

  • Employers, total (% of total labor force): 1,26 (2022)
  • New companies (number of registrations): 240.458,00 (2022)
  • New businesses (new registrations per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15 - 64): 2,52 (2022)
  • Listed companies, total: 195,00 (2022)
  • Business conditions (0 = lowest grade to 100 = highest grade): 85.544,00 (2021)
  • International tourism, number of arrivals: 6.359.000,00 (2020)
  • International tourism, number of departures: 12.361.000,00 (2020)
  • Railway lines (total route kilometers): 85.544,00 (2021)
  • Railways, number of passengers transported (million passenger-kilometres): 103.447,00 (2021)


  • Hospital beds (per 1,000 inhabitants): 7,03 (2021)
  • Suicide rate, men (per 100,000 men): 43,60 (2019)
  • Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 inhabitants): 6,25 (2020)
  • Doctors (per 1,000 inhabitants): 3,83 (2020)
  • Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population aged 15 - 49): 199,37 (2021)

Facts Russia's economy


  • BNP (US$): 7,57 (2023)
  • GDP growth (annual %): 78,16 (2019)
  • GDP per capita (US$): 2.021.421.476.035,42 (2023)
  • GDP, KPP (US$): 3,60 (2023)
  • BNI (US$): 13.817,05 (2023)
  • GNI growth (annual %): 6.452.309.481.752,99 (2023)
  • Gross savings (% of GDP): 1.994.419.826.035,42 (2023)

Inflation, interest rates and consumer prices

  • Deposit rate (%): 15,12 (2021)
  • Lending rate (%): 6,69 (2021)
  • Inflation, consumer prices (annual %): 30,65 (2023)
  • Consumer Price Index (2010 = 100): 199,37 (2021)

Trade and production

  • Trade (% of GDP): 0,00 (2022)
  • Vareeksport (US$): 12,45 (2023)
  • Vareimport (US$): 251.577.177.973,54 (2023)
  • Food exports (% of merchandise exports): 6,58 (2021)
  • Food imports (% of goods imports): 10,86 (2021)
  • Food Production Index (2004 - 2006 = 100): 126,44 (2022)
  • Index of animal production (2004 - 2006 = 100): 36,60 (2019)


  • Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP): 4,50 (2023)
  • Industry (including construction), value added (US$): 29,93 (2023)
  • Industry, value added (% of GDP): 11,62 (2023)
  • Industry, value added (US$): 116,88 (2022)


  • Armed forces, total: 1.454.000,00 (2020)
  • Military expenditure (% of GDP): 423.915.000.000,00 (2023)
  • Military Expenditure (US$): 303.786.000.000,00 (2023)


  • Current health expenditure (% of GDP): 15,12 (2021)
  • Labor tax and contribution (% of company profit): 619.515.845.111,36 (2023)
  • Development Assistance (ODA) received per capita (US$): 4,06 (2022)
  • Social contributions (% of income): 86.373.102.251,41 (2022)