- First: Wind turbines proudly stretch up to the horizon like giants of modern materials these days, but it wasn’t always this way. However, wind turbines are by no means a new invention. In fact, the first ones can be traced back to 2,000 years BC.
- Innovation: The old windmills are very characteristic of the Danish landscape. However, they are not actually a Danish invention, but originated in the Netherlands in the 1500s and were further developed, which is why they are also referred to as Dutch windmills.
- Gift: The town of Elk Horn in Iowa, USA is home to many descendants of Danes who traveled there many years ago. To show the friendship between the old and new countries, Denmark sent a windmill to the town, which was assembled and erected. This happened in 1976, and the windmill was originally located in Nørre Snede.
- Energy source: Modern wind turbines have become a landmark of Danish innovation and energy utilization. In fact, as much as 20 percent of the total energy production in Denmark comes from wind turbines and thus wind energy.
- Sightseeing: Wind turbines are also very prominent in the Dutch landscape and it’s actually popular to cycle out to spot wind turbines in the Netherlands. In fact, you can even join several bus tours dedicated solely to visiting wind turbines in the country.
- Complicated: When you see a wind turbine of a wind turbine creating energy, it may look relatively simple. But in fact, modern wind turbines are made up of more than 8,000 parts.
- Advantage/Disadvantage: Harvesting wind energy from wind turbines is smart, as you get 80 times more out of them while they’re working than you’d spend on creating, maintaining and disposing of them. The big disadvantage is that it has to be windy in order to get anything out of them.
- Biggest: The largest wind turbine can be found in Hawaii. It’s 20 stories tall and its blade span is as long as a football field!
- Housekeeping: Such an impressive wind turbine in the ocean can produce a lot of energy. In fact, it can create enough to power over 3,300 average households in Europe.
- Increase: Wind energy is gaining ground year by year. In fact, from 2000 to 2006, the use of wind energy quadrupled globally. If this figure continues, by 2050, one third of all energy will come from wind energy.

Fact: The windmill was invented in the Netherlands in the 1500s. Pictured is a wind turbine in the Netherlands.