
Fakta about Belgium
1. Beer: There are over 800 different types of beer brewed in Belgium. An average Belgian consumes 150 liters of beer ...

Facts about Estonia
1. Online selection: In 2005, Estonia was the first country in the world to hold a political election over the internet ...

Facts about Lithuania
1. Lietuva: In Lithuanian, Lithuania is called ‘Lietuva’ 2. Easter: In Lithuania, it’s not the Easter Bunny that brings eggs at Easter; ...

Facts about Poland
1. 6th largest country in the EU: Poland is the 6th largest country in the EU – both in terms of ...

Facts about Albania
1. Traffic lights: In 1995, drivers in the city of Shkodra refused to pay a newly introduced traffic light tax because ...

Facts about the Faroe Islands
1. Tax debt: Until 1992, you couldn’t buy beer if you owed the taxman money 2. Obituaries: The obituaries are read out ...

Facts about Moldova and Moldavia
1. Moldova vs Moldavia: The Republic of Moldova became an independent state in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. ...

Facts about Slovenia
1. Area: Slovenia’s total area is 20,273 km2. Of this, 10,124 km2 is forest and 216 km2 vineyards 2. Independence: Slovenia became ...

Facts about Macedonia
1. Name: Macedonia’s official name is the ‘Republic of Macedonia’ according to its own constitution. However, in international circles, the country ...

Facts about Montenegro
1. National Day: National Day on July 13 marks the day in 1878 when Montenegro was recognized as an independent country ...