![Human evolution - included for fun only](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mennesket-menneskeheden-1-1.jpg)
Facts about humans
Fear of heights: Anyone can cross a 1 m long and 30 cm wide board lying on the floor – but ...
![Funny facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/funny-facts.jpg)
Funny facts – Fun facts
Vidste du, at næsehorn ofte angriber træer og sten, fordi de forveksler dem med dyr? Eller at verdens længste film varer 85 timer og hedder 'Kuren mod søvnløshed'? Læs om disse og andre sjove fakta her!
![Interesting facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/interesting-facts.jpg)
Interesting facts
Google: 500,000 new search terms are used in Google every day – i.e. 1/2 million words that Google doesn’t understand ...
![Funny facts about Denmark and Danes](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/denmark-facts.jpg)
Fun facts about Denmark and Danes
Hvad er det længste danske ord? Hvor ofte regner det i Danmark? Hvor mange svin findes der pr. indbygger i Danmark? Få svarene i denne samling af sjove fakta om Danmark!
![Interesting facts about the human body](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/human-body-facts.jpg)
Fun facts about the body
Stardust: All humans are composed primarily (93%) of stardust, which is the same substance that almost all other elements on Earth ...
26 Weird Facts
Fake death: In 2007, the American forged Corey Taylor his own death in an attempt to get out of his phone plan. It ...
![Incredible facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/incredible-facts-min.jpg)
Incredible facts
VIdste du, at der findes mennesker med blå hud? At et jordskælv kan ændre dagenes længe permanent? Og at døde mennesker fungerer som vejmærker på Mount Everest? Læs mere om disse utrolige - men sande - fakta her!
![Men facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/men-facts-min.jpg)
Fun facts about men
Hvor ofte lyver mænd? Hvad betyder mest for en kvindes førstegangsindtryk af en mand? Få svar på disse og andre spørgsmål i denne samling af sjove fakta om mænd!
![Strange facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/strange-facts-min.jpg)
Strange facts – 15 quick facts
Long words: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliofobia is the fear of long words Walking cheese: East marzu case from Sardienen contains live maggots. It is also called ‘the ...
![Facebook facts](https://www.123fakta.com/wp-content/uploads/facebook-facts-min.jpg)
Facts about Facebook
Siden Facebook blev lanceret i 2004, er der blevet dannet 150 millarder venskaber, givet 1,13 billioner likes og uploadet 250 millarder billeder på den sociale platform. Her finder du de 12 mest interessante fakta om Facebook!