Facts about Greenland

Facts about Greenland
  1. Island: Greenland is actually the world’s largest island. The land area is over 2.6 square kilometers. Many might counter-argue that Australia is the world’s largest island, but many consider Australia a continent and rarely a separate island. However, Australia’s area is significantly larger at over 7.6 square kilometers.
  2. Size: We’ve talked about how big the country is, but what does that really mean? The size of Greenland is actually equivalent to adding the areas of France, Germany, England, Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium to the area of Greenland.
  3. Desert: In fact, there is so little precipitation in Greenland that some areas are referred to as desert in the country. This is especially true in the northern parts of the country, where it is more commonly referred to as the Arctic desert.
  4. Name: To be honest, Greenland is more white than green, so why did it get its name? It was actually the Viking Erik the Red who tried to lure people in by giving it a more appealing name. However, studies have shown that millions of years ago, the land was actually quite green.
  5. Independence: Most people know that Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark, and it actually dates back to 1721, when we had colonies up there. In 1953, Greenland became part of Denmark, but in 1979 the country was granted home rule, and since then their independent rights have only increased.
  6. Visit: Greenland is a large country that takes up a lot of space on a world map, and it is also quite close to both Canada and the United States. However, the only way to fly to the country commercially is to fly from Denmark or Iceland.
  7. Roads: There is a glaring lack of roads in Greenland. Many would even argue that there are no roads in Greenland at all. There are some makeshift roads in the towns themselves, but between the different towns there are none. You travel by boat, dog sled, ferry, helicopter, etc. to get from one place to the next.
  8. People: Although Greenland is the world’s largest island, not many people live there. In fact, there are only around 57,000 people. Of these, just under 18,000 of them live in Nuuk (Godrhåb). In comparison, over 60,000 people live in Køge Municipality on Zealand.
  9. Population: Greenlanders look somewhat different from us Danes, so where did the original population originate from? Research has shown that the original Greenlanders are believed to have come from eastern Siberia via Canada and ended up in Greenland.
  10. Sun: Due to Greenland’s location so far north, the sun never sets over the horizon from May 25th to July 25th. Around the middle of this period, on June 21, we also find Greenland’s national day.


Facts: Arctic desert in Greenland
Attribution: GRID-Arendal – flickr.com

Fact: Some areas of Greenland have so little precipitation that they can be characterized as Arctic deserts

Geographic facts

  • Location: Northern North America; island between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Canada
  • Country borders: 0 km
  • Coastline: 44,087 km
  • Climate: Arctic to subarctic; cool summers, cold winters
  • Landscape: Flat to gradually sloping ice cap covers everything except a narrow, mountainous, barren, rocky coast
  • Lowest point: Atlantic Ocean: 0 m
  • Highest point: Gunnbjørns fjeld: 3,694 m
  • Natural resources: Coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, molybdenum, diamonds, gold, platinum, niobium, tantalite, uranium, fish, seals, whales, hydropower, possible oil and gas
  • Largest city: Nuuk
  • Capital city: Nuuk
  • Total area (square kilometers): 2,58 (2015)
  • Land areas (km2): 410.450,00 (2021)
  • Urban areas (km2): n/a
  • Agricultural land (km2): 2.431,10 (2021)
  • Agricultural area (% of total area): 0,59 (2021)
  • Forest area (% of land area): 1,00 (2018)
  • Plant species (higher), endangered: 315.961,35 (2015)
  • CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita): 0,00 (2021)

Demographic facts


  • Population density (people per km2 total area): n/a
  • Population of largest city: n/a
  • Population growth (annual %): n/a
  • Population, total: n/a
  • Population growth in urban areas (annual %): n/a
  • Population in urban areas (% of total population): n/a
  • Population in rural areas (% of total population): 0,60 (2023)
  • Population growth in rural areas (annual %): n/a
  • Etniske grupper: 89.7% Greenlanders, 7.8% Danes, 1.1% other Scandinavians and 1.4% others
  • Sprog: Greenlandic (West Greenlandic or Kalaallisut is the official language), Danish, English
  • Religioner: Evangelical Lutheran, traditional Inuit religion
  • Net immigration: n/a

Birth and death rates

  • Fertility rate, total (births per woman): 1.328.640.325,54 (2021)
  • Birth rate, gross (per 1,000 inhabitants): 9,30 (2022)
  • Teenage mothers (% of women aged 15-19 who have had children or are pregnant): n/a
  • Death rate, gross (per 1,000 people): 1,84 (2022)
  • Life expectancy at birth, women (years): 56.865,00 (2023)
  • Life expectancy at birth, men (years): n/a
  • Life expectancy at birth, all (years): n/a
  • Mortality caused by traffic accidents (per 100,000 inhabitants): n/a
  • Mortality, women (per 1,000 adult women): n/a
  • Mortality, male (per 1,000 adult males): n/a
  • Suicide rate, women (per 100,000 women): n/a
  • Mortality, infant (per 1,000 live births): n/a

Work, income and education

  • Wage earners, total (% of total labor force): n/a
  • Income share of the highest 10%: 9,00 (2018)
  • Income share of the lowest 10%: 118,42 (2021)
  • Unemployment, total (% of total labor force): n/a
  • Labor force, total: 0,36 (2023)
  • Workforce with basic education (% of the workforce): 1,14 (1980)
  • Labor force with medium education (% of labor force): 0,14 (2021)
  • Number of poor cf. national poverty limits (% of the population): n/a
  • Proportion of the population with moderate or severe food insecurity (%): -1,39 (2023)
  • School enrolments, primary school (gross %): n/a
  • Youth unemployment, all young people (% of total labor force aged 15 - 24): n/a
  • Young people not in education, employment or training, total (% of all young people): n/a
  • Literacy/literacy, total adults (% of population over 15): n/a


  • Household (and NPIS) consumption expenditure (US$): 69,76 (2022)
  • Electricity consumption (kWh per inhabitant): 92,34 (2018)
  • Inhabitants using the Internet (% of the population): 122,90 (2022)
  • Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people): n/a
  • Number of smokers, total (over 15 years): n/a
  • Alcohol consumption per capita (litres of pure alcohol, expected estimates, +15 years): n/a

Business and tourism

  • Employers, total (% of total labor force): 19,84 (2018)
  • New companies (number of registrations): n/a
  • New businesses (new registrations per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15 - 64): n/a
  • Listed companies, total: n/a
  • Business conditions (0 = lowest grade to 100 = highest grade): 9,10 (2015)
  • International tourism, number of arrivals: 194,04 (2022)
  • International tourism, number of departures: -100,00 (2023)
  • Railway lines (total route kilometers): 9,10 (2015)
  • Railways, number of passengers transported (million passenger-kilometres): 87,94 (2023)


  • Hospital beds (per 1,000 inhabitants): 71,54 (2022)
  • Suicide rate, men (per 100,000 men): n/a
  • Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 inhabitants): n/a
  • Doctors (per 1,000 inhabitants): n/a
  • Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population aged 15 - 49): 12,06 (2023)

Facts Greenland's economy


  • BNP (US$): 3.857.302.225,39 (2021)
  • GDP growth (annual %):,58 (2007)
  • GDP per capita (US$): 13,68 (2007)
  • GDP, KPP (US$): 16,06 (2021)
  • BNI (US$): 519.713.897,30 (2021)
  • GNI growth (annual %): 2,91 (2021)
  • Gross savings (% of GDP): 94.049.526,39 (2021)

Inflation, interest rates and consumer prices

  • Deposit rate (%): 1,29 (2021)
  • Lending rate (%): n/a
  • Inflation, consumer prices (annual %): 85,15 (2021)
  • Consumer Price Index (2010 = 100): 3.235.809.504,30 (2021)

Trade and production

  • Trade (% of GDP): n/a
  • Vareeksport (US$): n/a
  • Vareimport (US$): n/a
  • Food exports (% of merchandise exports): 14,35 (1970)
  • Food imports (% of goods imports): 69,48 (2017)
  • Food Production Index (2004 - 2006 = 100): 73,41 (2022)
  • Index of animal production (2004 - 2006 = 100): n/a


  • Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP): 908.000.000,00 (2023)
  • Industry (including construction), value added (US$): 905.000.000,00 (2023)
  • Industry, value added (% of GDP): n/a
  • Industry, value added (US$): n/a


  • Armed forces, total: 13,20 (2022)
  • Military expenditure (% of GDP): n/a
  • Military Expenditure (US$): n/a


  • Current health expenditure (% of GDP): 1,29 (2021)
  • Labor tax and contribution (% of company profit): n/a
  • Development Assistance (ODA) received per capita (US$): n/a
  • Social contributions (% of income): n/a